Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Hollyhocks 2013

 I've got to hand it to hollyhocks.  I look forward to their performance every year - like Christmas!
And they never fail to delight!  They make me laugh, and I find myself hearing their dialogue.

  Who would burst out of dry ground all alone like this? 

Can't you just hear this beautiful trio? . . .
Coming from the same neck, that's gotta be tough! 

 Is this a wall flower, a leader of the pack, a teacher pleaser, a stalker,
or a short choir director?

 This has to be the cheering section, the choir, or the clique group.

The communicators, facing each other in support.

 Look how they guard the house in a standing ovation,
making sure their brilliant color is seen even from the windows inside!
(Applause!  Bravo!)
Thanks for the show, my hollyhock friends! 

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