Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Thrown Onto the Bus (vol.1)

For the last few months, CR has taken the bus to work.   That usually puts me behind the wheel of our minivan at 7:45 AM, in my fluffy purple checkered robe with the collar wrapped up to my chin, warm pj's underneath, flip flops, and crazy hair.  It's early.  (I'm not embarrassed, I know I clean up good!)  He rides shotgun (nervously), so it's easier to open both side doors and slide out in one motion when we reach the stop; rolling cart, laptop, and all.  That's how it's supposed to work . . .

Except for that one morning a couple of weeks ago when we got to the corner and there was the bus not 100 feet from the stop!  I get glimpses of his 007 driving habits at times like these.  His nervous state only accentuated the situation as I heard his frantic voice,  "Go!"  Being an obedient wife, I pushed on the gas, took the corner, and successfully cut off the bus.  We pulled in just in time and luckily the driver pulled in behind us, as if he's seen crazies like us before!  CR rolled out and grabbed his back seat stuff with his limbs flying. And aiming for the little power sliding door button with his hand, missed it, because his feet were already running to the bus.  It was a sight to behold!

There I was.  Rush hour traffic.  Dressed to kill.  The back passenger door, wide open.  The bus pulled out around me with CR in a front row seat, staring out the window, wondering if I knew how to close the sliding side door from the steering wheel. . .  I did not.

Dozens of solutions flashed through my mind; each of them resulting in humiliating embarrassment.  Could I really get out and put my frazzled self on public display to manually push the little button?  I took a deep breath.  I watched for a break in traffic.  I put the car in "drive" and slowly inched my way with my new side air conditioning, to closest driveway out of the traffic flow.  Yes, it was the Chinese St. Columba Kim Roman Catholic Church parking lot, where I pulled in a shady spot to retrieve the 792 page drivers manual with both hands.  There on page 67 was an illustrated picture of the button on the panel just above me, that with a slight touch, would smoothly close the door. . .

I sat back with sweet satisfaction as I watched the door slowly and quietly tuck itself into its closed position.  Then I closed my eyes and smiled.

Awww . . .  Life is good!

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