Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Who'd a Thought?

I’d like to thank Carol Tuttle for her inspiring book called "Dressing Your Truth". She has developed a system by which people can be categorized according to 4 different style types.  I have been intrigued by this since first learning about her (10 years ago), enough to study her concepts without investing a small fortune in her online guidance. 
A couple of months ago, a friend loaned me this book.  Now was my chance for self diagnosis.  She tells from the beginning that her angle is not to label you, but as you learn the descriptive style concepts, you will begin to label yourself.  Well.  OK.  Let’s do this!
I scoured the book, looking for my type.  I read and reread.  The descriptions were divisive.  I could see the differences.  After completing the book, I had no more a clue to what my own type was than when I began.  However, this is where the thanks come in.  I learned a great life lesson.  I could identify with each of the types enough to label others.  Definitely the people around me, who influence me for good or not so good, fell right into those descriptive types. 
I learned that by recognizing their types, I could approach them with better educated empathy.  I could more easily put myself in their shoes.  I could forgive, rejoice with, root for, and be thankful for being taught by them.   I learned that by understanding my own type wasn’t paramount after all. 
If by chance I come to discover my own type (through DYT), it won’t be because I am searching anymore.   Thanks to Carol Tuttle, my intrigue has shifted to understanding others.     

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